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gavmcool's News

Posted by gavmcool - December 27th, 2024



258 days since the last post, An update is due!

The previous post was made 36 weeks ago

I am not dead!!

this year I have been very silent, only releasing art and music this year, This is not because I quit game development or animation. It has been a very busy year for me, and I have been creating things.

But I have had a fair share of trouble with creating video games this year, I want to share some games I have started on, and not finished this year.

*These are projects that I have not fully completed, did not get far in, or cancelled.

*Remaking these games or continuing development in the future is not off the table.

Video Games That I Worked On (And Failed...)

Kawaii Chan Easter Game

This was a video game by Boss Club, It was a holiday special of a project.


(storyboard of a potential intro for the game by @UnculturedMutt)

We also needed a cute Easter outfit for Kawaii-Chan to have for the season, and @GetterRocka whipped up a masterpiece


(in game design)


The idea of the game was to be a maze with waves of enemies, and there would be Easter eggs scattered around the map that you must find, and once you got all of them you would have to battle the giant bunny as a final boss.

We started this project on February 28th, and it fizzled out overtime.

I was programming it in scratch, because not only was I familiar with it, but I wanted to create it in two months instead of learning an engine. I was not feeling happy with me creating it in scratch and it tanked my motivation to get it out.

Tom Fulp Clicker 3 (2024)


(temp graphics)

This was a game that I was creating in unity, I am aware that this is a shaky screenshot of a laptop, but it was very real.

All I got done on it was a very basic clicker game, but I planned to add much more to it. With skins, new abilities, minigames within the game, and AAAHHH that's probably too much for a first unity project...

Movie Theatre Simulator



This was another Unity game I was creating, It was a tycoon/simulator style game where you ran a movie theatre. Inspired by DOOM and One Armed Chef.

I have not seen many movie theatre simulators, and I wanted to make one.

This game was gonna have a lot of stuff in it, but it was too much for me to handle and I got cold feet on a game once again...

Mollusk Moon 3D

I developed a love hate relationship with unity, I enjoyed certain things about the engine, but I felt that it was overpowered for what I wanted to work with. I decided to watch a couple of Godot tutorials. This one caught my eye the most.

How To Make A Doom Clone In Godot 4

I followed it and started tweaking the graphics and values to see what I liked, and trying to add behaviors to the enemies and stuff like that. When i had an idea to import the Ioctlings from my game; Mollusk Moon. Into the enemies, and it worked shockingly well. I then got some textures and made a skybox and tried to reimagine the game into a 3D setting.


(I still had assets from the tutorial)

I had planned more reasonable things with this, like new environments and even adding some scrapped content into the 3D version


I was still unhappy however. It felt like restarting everything that I knew, and I grew impatient with my own progress.

I had to finish something and release it I just didnt know what I wanted to make. I had released several games last year and I kept feeling my progress was pointless and inadequate for what I wanted to put out.

I stopped development on this to try to create a small game, something in scratch so I could make it faster.



Maximalist Capitalism, with a touch of citrus...

I will not elaborate much on this one, but it was a large undertaking, I developed it in scratch but the engine was not ideal for the video game it shaped to be, so it is on the shelf for now. However, I plan to return to this in a couple of years...


I was very pleased with how Monster Tavern came out last year, and I wanted to make something for the occasion. I had several different little ideas, but there was one that stood out to me the most.


This game revolved around raising a homunculus, and trying to let it grow up and be civilized, the game had heavy elements of horror, where the homunculus had a "love" meter, and if it didnt love you it would try to attack you at night, which would involve you having to purchase mechanisms of defending yourself as it increased in aggression.

It had multiple ways of interacting with the homunculus, such as playing games with it, or feeding it your DNA (granted, only a couple times before you lost health), and these activities would increase overtime to eventually lead to mechanics where you teach it to hunt for food or to educate it with literature. Depending on how well you did at these would determine how good the homunculus turned out.

I over scoped once again on a seemingly small project and it suffered because of it. As well as it becoming crunch time. AND I developed it in scratch, and I wasn't learning anything, all 3 of these things killed my motivation.

History has repeated itself.

What Did I End Up With This Year?

I have released 0 Games, 2 Music Tracks, and 10 Pieces of Art.

I have been very sad about not finishing a single video game project this year, but I hope to learn from this and make something really good within the next few years.

I know my next game needs:

  1. To Not Be Made In Scratch
  2. Be Small in Scope
  3. To stand on its own, without relying only on tutorials, and instead take time to learn how to create things independently

What's Next?

  • I really want to make at least 1 video game in a different engine

  • Some more music and art, I should be releasing a couple of tracks soon :)

I do not have a specific game I want to make I just want to start somewhere.

End of Updates

Thank you all, Next year will be more eventful I hope.

use #gavmcoolfanart or any of my game's tags to let me see fanart, I will put it in here!

see you all later!



Posted by gavmcool - April 13th, 2024



161 days, its probably time for another one of these!!

The Previous post, from about half a year ago!

I have been working on things!

for this post, I want to just cover what I've been up to!

I will get back to basics and talk about the current stuff I am working on, and provide some stuff to show you all!

Creating New Music!!

A New Game and OST with The Cube Of Eyes Collective!!

AmphibianOblivion has been coding up a new game! 

Me and Solaraloe have been working on the soundtrack for it once again!

Here is a song from the OST that I created, for this soundtrack I am trying to combine the sound of the other gappy fangames we made with a darker chiptune sound!

Keep an eye out for the game, It'll be a good one!!

other music news;

I have been spending a lot of time trying to improve my music making skills, I really do have a love for making little instrumentals and soundtracks for games.

Here are some snippets I have made recently:

Been Doing More Art

I have been drawing a lot more as well, It calms me...



I made these with 2 pens with different diameters, pastels I got on sale for $6. and tissues to blend the colors.

Video Game Development


I know my account has been slow on here lately, I know why though.

I have been using scratch for 8+ years now, and I feel I need to move on.

I've always used scratch instead of another engine because I wanted to get small games out in a short amount of time, and I was more than familiar with it . It just got bad at some point, but now I am more than ready to move up!

I have left scratch development for now, as of writing this, I have not been using it for over a month now. I moved around from Godot to gamemaker to unity, and I think unity is currently the one that's best for me currently, because it can do 2D and 3D pretty well, I also had more experience with unity and I am more comfortable using it than the others. I still want to try out Godot and gamemaker at some point though, because I have no plans to lock myself just to one game engine


End of Updates

To make commercial games, I probably need to get Familiar with the engine first and comfortable with it, I will spend more time working with unity so I can come back with a vengeance! I will come back with more news as I get more familiar with the program!

I plan to make more music as well, and keep working on art as well.

I do have things on the way, they just need to Cook longer! :)


use #gavmcoolfanart or any of my game's tags to let m3 see fanart, I will put it in here!

see you all later!



Posted by gavmcool - November 4th, 2023



it has been a while, (about 141 days to be exact as of writing this)

2 months is a while? well double it and give it to the next person!

I think It is time to write a news update, I have a TON to cover

I do not want to format this update like the rest, because most of this is just where I have been rather than updates on specific games.

I will order it by each month I went without updating, because there is plenty to go over!



June was around the time I started to get more and more into music creation. This is roughly around this time I made some songs for Gappy and the Red Eyesore. and I have been friends with @clintmdev for a long time. so when he wanted to create a sequel to his game DREAMSPACE, I approached him about doing some music for it and he said yes, and I created a handful of tracks for it.

We both loved the tracks that were made, Clint wasn't happy with how the sequel was shaping up to be, and wanted to restart the development to get something he was happy with, he has a better explanation in this post


I spent most of June trying to learn how to make unity games, but after the whole pricing debacle that they went through, I think I will just learn Godot...


July was a very busy month, not only in real life but with several different things


Towards the first of the month, us at Boss Club (kawaii-chan creators) were working on KC2 ideas, and @UnculturedMutt came up with the idea to enter in the GMTK JAM 2023, I was definitely hesitant to do it, but I eventually came around to it after some convincing. So we all made sure our weekends were clear and we were waiting for it to begin

When it was the morning of, we got the theme; "Roles Reversed" and bounced around several ideas throughout the morning

Some ideas were interesting, like a fighting game where you have to keep up a meter to make the audience entertained, or a game where you craft explosives for an AI to diffuse, but those ideas seemed too complicated to do in just 48 hours.

so we created a video game where you play as a guy trying to defend his house from mutated frog creatures, with a firearm and things like traps, logs, and a vehicle.

It was fully created with nearly 9 hours to spare!

Here are some concept arts that were created during the development process



Out leaped Frogger Tower Defense!

The game had a tiny issue with the salamander character, where their code would add another enemy to the list of enemies to defeat in the code instead of removing themselves from the list, making it very easy to get soft-locked. and I fixed it and uploaded it

Unfortunately, the game would not launch when people tried to play it, and got disqualified from the jam.

We did not expect to win the jam, it was the largest game jam ever hosted online, but it was a sad way to go out for our team and we were disheartened by the news.

I now know to show the install button no matter what now on an itch-io page. I am grateful for the help from the itch-io support team for helping me with fixing it so anyone can play it now on itch-io!

The game did SIGNIFICANTLY better on newgrounds. with it currently being my only project I fully programmed to get a frontpage, and be both my most played and highest rated game I fully programmed.

Even with it being 4 months, I am still surprised on the reception for the game, I am really grateful for newgrounds being in my life, it has genuinely been an amazing way for me to get my stuff out to world!

The best part of newgrounds is the fact that no matter how big or small you are on the site, there will be people to play your games, watch your animations, or rate your art. I could never thank NG enough for helping me get this far!

The game was ultimately a massive success for boss club! and was definitely worth doing!


this month was fairly uneventful, just coming up with game ideas and practicing music creation.

Most things I did were for projects that are not out yet. that and focusing on learning 3D printing software.

I actually went through 2 faulty 3D printers before getting the functioning one I have now ☠︎︎



This one is interesting...

we (Boss Club) made an attempt to create a madness day game, but the scope of it was just not possible in the 3 week timeframe.

The idea of the game was to combine the gameplay of Madness: Project Nexus , with rouge-like generation for the levels

The First Few days were spent trying to make a roguelike engine in scratch. I didnt get it done in time to put it in the game, but tinkering with it after the deadline made it actually work good surprisingly in scratch with no mods!

Here are some screenshots compiled showing how crazy I can get it!


each block is a room in the layout, I can control how big the grid is, how much rooms to spawn, how long hallways are, and several other little things to make it a very versatile engine

Like I said earlier, we did not get to put this into the game unfortunately, so you might be wondering what the game looked like if it wasn't randomly generated?

Here is a screenshot:


It need MUCH more time, so we did not want to put out a game with one small cutscene and 2 rooms. we may shelf this game and come back to it when we know we can fully create it!

If I didnt learn my lesson with working way earlier for larger games, then I DEFINITELY DID in October



literally a day after we decided not to put out the madness day game, @rileyverse had an idea for a Halloween game, but the name for a game called "Monster Tavern" was stuck in my head for about a month at that point, so instead of going with the game they suggested, I sketched up a doodle and pitched a simple game loop for a theoretical game called Monster Tavern.

This was the 3 minute sketch I created to show off the idea of the game, its VERY rough


But the idea was set, and for all of October, I worked on programming the game to see if it would work, and I got my friends @MassiveMarioLuigi700, @GetterRocka, and @aplovestudio to help with music and assets

Last year, I made some music for @Just-a-ng-dummy 's Fantastic Spooktacular game Minimum Mage Effort , which was a great success for everyone involved, and I am still thankful for the opportunity to make music for the game :)

So the plan was to create a Spooktacular game with the monster tavern idea!

as of writing this, the game has had good reception and was worth the grind! but it would have definitely been wiser to not start development on it a little over 30+ days until I launched it :)

So that catches us up!

What's Next?

I have a few things I plan on doing for the foreseeable future.


What you all got was just a half of what I have planned for it!

I released the video game with an endless mode by default, there are reasons such as;

  • 1: get the game out so I would not go overtime on the deadline which was already extended for me
  • 2: create replay value for a short game

So Now that it is out and I have had a few days to relax and play Alien Hominid Invasion, I will drop more updates for the the game to make a more quality playthrough! Starting with one this weekend, to add things like a leaderboard with the Newgrounds API and make the drink shake minigame faster by you clicking fast. There will be more after that update, because I want this game to be as good as it can be! I am extremely appreciative of the reception of the game so far! and I promise to upkeep it to make it even better!


Earlier I mentioned I was learning unity to create more advanced projects, but starting next year I plan on creating games with Godot and putting them on platforms like Steam.

I have not decided what I will create first, I will need to learn Godot and switch to it. but I have plenty ideas I can do.

Just know that if I go quiet for a few months , I am always working on things! and I will be happy to show them when they are finished!

End of Updates

I really appreciate you reading trough this if you did! it was a long period of silence, but a fairly productive one at that! I stay at it for you all! and I hope to keep it that way

use #gavmcoolfanart or any of my game's tags to let me see fanart, I will put it in here!

see you all later!



Posted by gavmcool - June 16th, 2023


hello everyone!!!

it has been a while

"2 weeks", more like 2 months.

I was incredibly busy with school, I do not have a lot for this, and I apologize for that.

I will show what I did all February.

The Christmas Special Is Out


April fools? I guess...

Important Update

I have recently been working on learning Unity, so Kawaii Chan 2 will be made on there, I will have to take time to learn unity but It will all be worth it

Also, Holy Hellfire is only going to be on here occasionally because we want to take time on the game, it will be worth it!

Kawaii-Chan 2 (WIP TITLE)


We have been working on redoing the sprites lately, and coming up with more stuff for the game!


as previously stated, this game is moving to development on unity.

iu_861550_7301656.gif Freezie D iu_861551_7301656.gif


We are getting back to it!

I guess I should explain the egg from the previous post

Here was his concept art


The game is about beating the level without the time running out, and the idea of the egg is to give you let you buy an item in between like every 5 levels or something, and they are all warm foods. Dennis HATES the cold, that's the reason he is in this mess to begin with.

he especially likes soups :)


(artist rendition)

End of Updates



it was made in the span of 2 months, so don't expect much, I collaborated with @clintmdev and some IRL friends for it. Its just a demo. I might come back to it one day.

Things are going well now!

use #gavmcoolfanart or any of my game's tags to let me see fanart, I will put it in here!

see you all soon!



Posted by gavmcool - May 22nd, 2023

My friend made a RPG game a while back, and yesterday he put it onto NG!

Go play it! he worked really hard on it and it would make his day to see the game do well, its already doing really good and I am really proud of him!



Posted by gavmcool - March 31st, 2023

It is totally not a Christmas special, I swear!


Posted by gavmcool - March 1st, 2023


hello everyone!!

sorry for the wait!!!

the last posted aged like milk...

I was incredibly busy with school, I do not have a lot for this, and I apologize for that.

I will show what I did all February.

The (very-late) Christmas Special

I got to the final scene!!!

I spent a long time tinkering with the rendering side of the animation, and managed to get it to render REALLY fast!

It may be out before the next update I put out!

(test render before the new way was added)


Kawaii-Chan 2 (WIP TITLE)


Not a whole lot has been done on the game itself, sorry for no updates on it right now!

Holy Hellfire!

@digitab , @nexketch@/scoot

The Team has been really busy with IRL stuff,


I will begin work on a video explaining the game's ideas and inspirations once I finish the Christmas video!

Do not worry, there is content to come!!

Here is some cool art!!


Find Them Here!!

(some of their stuff is mature so be warned)

iu_861550_7301656.gif Freezie D iu_861551_7301656.gif




End of Updates

School has really been busy in the past month, I theorize that it will be again this month too, but only time will tell !

I plan to have the Christmas video done before the time I would usually post another update. it is like 95% done with the animation its just 1 shot and some final touches to things like lighting and props!

More is to come though! I plan on having a secret game drop in Late April/ Early May!

use #gavmcoolfanart or any of my game's tags to let me see fanart, I will put it in here!

see you all maybe in 2 weeks!



Posted by gavmcool - February 1st, 2023


hello everyone!!

Its that time again, where I show off all of the projects I will put on here!

We are now on schedule for these updates, as mentioned in the last post. and I'm no longer sick!

Lets get to the updates now!!:

The (even- more-late) Christmas Special

It is nearly done! I don't have a whole lot left on it

I've animated about 50-70 frames since the last update, its almost there though! It should come out by the end of the month. But Here is a little screenshot!


Kawaii-Chan 2 (WIP TITLE)


While development was slowed for some of the team to work on MOLLUSK MOON. Development has been going very well, but the majority of it has been spoiler territory for the final game. But here is the promised 8 WAY DIRECTION sprites from the last update!


Here is some art of kawaii-chan if that would be something of interest!!!

More Soon!!!

Holy Hellfire!

@digitab , @nexketch@/scoot

While Development has been halted for IRL reasons, I do have some good news about the game,

I plan to make a video explaining what the game is, almost like an elevator pitch of the game! which will provide a basic explanation of how the game will play, and the basic story of the game as well!

Here is some cool fanart!!


Find Them Here!!

Commission Them Here!!

I really want to include fanart in these! if you have any just use #gavmcoolfanart to let me see them!!

iu_861550_7301656.gif Freezie D iu_861551_7301656.gif


I have his YouTube channel to link here for content around streaming the development

(I will put a twitch here if I get one from him)

I actually have some gameplay to show here!!


End of Updates

Its been productive!! I have been able to get more done then expected, especially since I got exhausted from spending like 9 hours straight a day on the last 2 days of mollusk moon's development. But there is a lot of good stuff to come (and maybe something special for reaching 100 fans) But, that's all for now

see you all in 2 weeks!



Posted by gavmcool - January 15th, 2023


hello everyone!!

Its that time again, where I show off all of the projects I will put on here!

This might be a short wait for a second part, but I want to stay on schedule from every 2-ish weeks, I posted a little late considering the last post was posted in the halfway point of the average wait for these, but it will the posting will be normal after this one, so the start of next month will be the date for the 3rd one!

Lets get to the updates now!!:

The (more-late) Christmas Special

It has been nearly a month in development, and is going at a decent pace time wise


I have animated exactly 500 individual frames for it so far, so I've taken a small break from it, I will get back to it this week though

Kawaii-Chan 2 (WIP TITLE)


We've been making a bunch of stuff for it lately

  • The "engine" for the game is coming along nicely, it has a system to place down things in a room on a grid. so I can make things like premade enemy spawn locations and pots you can break, which is a first for me! it has Temporary Graphics though
  • We are considering adaptive music for the levels, which could make the game have more "UMPH" to the sound department
  • The bullets now go in 72 directions Instead of 4! (You aim with the mouse now)
  • Kawaii-Chan will now have 8 Way direction to look around instead of being in one direction (not finished yet but will be next time)

First Look at the Prototype!!


Stay Tuned! More is on the Way!!

Holy Hellfire!

@digitab , @nexketch, @/scoot

We have been at work adding the movement systems and walk animations!

We wanted the character to be able to turn her head more then her body when she aims, its kind of strange to explain

here is a mockup I made for it to try to visually explain what I mean


Here is the New Design VS the Old Design:

iu_868182_7301656.png iu_868183_7301656.png

I learned asesprite along side the development for the gamejam version, and being able to redo it with more time has been a really good thing for me!

iu_861550_7301656.gif Freezie D iu_861551_7301656.gif


Spunky Has Heavily Considered Streaming the development of the game! I will be there too on them occasionally!

I will link the social he streams on when we decide on it!

Here is some cool lamps!!!!111!!!


End of Updates

It has been pretty productive in the week I have been working! I am currently sick as of writing this, which is affecting my workflow, but its only temporary!

see you all in February!



Posted by gavmcool - January 8th, 2023


hello everyone!!

I've Been Busy as of Recent, with tons of game projects and animations, so I want to try my best to update you all bi-monthly on the status of my projects that'll go on here!

I have been updating stuff like this on my friend's discord, and I think it works well enough for me to do it on here!

(Due to it being the 8th of January, the next one will probably come out in a little over a week instead of 2 weeks, but it will be more consistent as it goes!)

Here are the projects I'm working on:

The (late) Christmas Special

I've been working on something for about 2-3 weeks now, Its a stop-motion, clay animation. completely made in blender.



This is to a series that's been on my YouTube, but not on here, they were shorter and were not as good to be on here (find it here though if you are interested, Its nothing of real quality but its what this short will be in)

Should I release a teaser for it?

Kawaii-Chan 2?!?!?!?!??!?

@getterrocka, @unculturedmutt, @madfatter

Yup, We Didn't Get Enough (Girlboss/Gaming) the first time, Its in full development, its gonna be leagues better then the first, probably since it will be at least 3.1 stars worthy instead of 3 (kidding)

New Reference Here!!

I'll show more of it later!!

Holy Hellfire!

@digitab , @nexketch, @/scoot


Hell is Full, Again....

This is a game that has been in development since August, It was for the mobile jam but could not find a programmer in time for it, but we have one now! It is full steam ahead!

I will keep you all updated on this one, prepare for Devine retribution!

iu_861550_7301656.gif Freezie D iu_861551_7301656.gif


This one has been developed along side HH, It is a fast-paced platformer/run n' gun about a duck being tired of living in the cold, and breaks into a castle when he learns of a hot tub just installed in the place...

I do not have any up-to-date screenshots, but I might have some next update for you all!

End of Updates

I will be busy, I have a big school project to get done for coding, (which I may upload here too if it goes well), all the games and animations I'm working on , but I love all of them!! Working on these is ALL of my free-time, and I fell like I can't spend that time much better to be honest, thank you for reading this

see you all in a week or two!
